Investigation And
Our Services

Environmental Investigation And Remediation

Due Diligence Environmental Site Assessments

Hazardous Material Investigation And Remediation

Environmental Compliance And Sustainability Services
Our Clients

Our Projects
Catholic Housing Services
Spectrum, as Project Managers, performed hundreds of hazardous materials inspections of which many led to renovations or demolitions. As the owner’s representatives, we have evaluated architectural and engineering contracts; wrote hazardous materials specifications; provided on-site certification for removal and disposal of asbestos, lead based paints, polychlorinated biphenyls; and removal of above and below ground fuel storage tanks. We developed and implemented construction services manuals including Document Management Systems (DMS) to assist local schools, churches and housing in identifying and recording hazardous materials; and updated required relevant records on a semi-annual basis.
As part of our project management services, we collected architects’ and suppliers’ declarations of conformity (SDoC); material declarations (MD); contractor furnished equipment (CFE); and Hazard Free Certificates of Conformity for inclusion in the close-out records along with the final as built documents.
Mt. Baker Apartments
Catholic Housing Services purchased an older hotel in downtown Bellingham, Washington and converted it to low income housing. Spectrum performed the hazardous materials survey and documented the presence of asbestos containing materials, lead based paints, polychlorinated biphenyls in florescent light ballasts and an abandoned underground heating oil storage tank. We developed specifications for the removal, disposal and documentation of asbestos contains materials (ACM) to ensure proper regulatory compliance. We collected the SDoCs; MDs; CFEs; and Hazard Free COCs for the close-out records.
Spectrum worked closely with Dawson Construction during the project and insured the owner’s documents and records were collected, inventoried and included in the final close-outs.
Seattle City Light
Spectrum provided lead hazard health and safety consulting in association with the repainting of a communication tower in Seattle, Washington. Spectrum was responsible for ensuring that Seattle City Light (SCL) complied with all the applicable federal and State of Washington regulations relating to worker protection, community safety, and hazardous materials tracking and disposal compliance. Spectrum personnel guided SCL as to the appropriate disposal methods for lead based paint (LBP) disposal and included the preparation of the disposal manifests, the appropriate distribution of said manifests to chemical recyclers, and State of Washington regulatory agencies.
GSA Federal Center South
Spectrum was responsible for the disposal of hazardous waste stream disposal and tracking for the closure of a former US General Services Seattle Facility. Federal Center South was a 1930s era federal facility used extensively as a materiel shipping center for the US Army during World War II and the Korean War. GSA closed the facility and erected the US Corps of Engineers Pacific Region headquarters at the site. Pre-demolition analyses of the Federal Center South property led to the discovery of spent chemical caches in some of the buildings and buried hazardous chemical drums. Spectrum supervised the waste streams classifications for the chemical recycling disposal of 30 different waste streams.
Spectrum’s additional tasks on this project include soil and groundwater contamination assessments. We are also conducting a site-wide Remediation Feasibility Study(RFS). The RFS resulted in the placement of 12 groundwater monitoring wells to assess the effectiveness of an insitu sorption/bioremediation. Spectrum also designed and supervised the removal of 165 tons of mixed waste contaminated soils for off-site disposal.
14777 NE 40th Street Suite 301
Bellevue, WA 98007
(425) 209-1409